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Mr. Tracy, Head Custodian

One lunch period, I was standing just inside the Cafeteria exit at the left side facing and nearest to the stage. Just a few feet outside the door one of my classmates (you know who you are) was smoking (a cigarette). Suddenly, Mr Tracy appeard and the classmate quickly put is hand holding the cigarette behind his back in a "knee-jerk" reaction.  I watched as Mr. Tracy engaged this student in casual conversation for at least five minutes or more. All the while I'm thinking to myself that Mr. Tracy is not aware of what is happening. Turned out, I was the one who wasn't aware of what Mr. Tracy was up to because as he turned and walked past me he said in a low voice: "you think he burned his fingers?". Mr. Tracy, one of the coolest role models we had in High School. 

Jerome Nicolato
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