Online registration has closed due to registration end date has passed. Please, contact us using the "Contact Us" page, we will do our best to get you registered. Thank you, Your Reunion Committee

  Creating a Profile and Purchasing Tickets   
1. Please read all steps whether you plan to purchase a ticket or not.
2. Click on the green SIGN UP’ button in the top right hand corner
3. All boxes with red stars * are required to be filled
4. Fill in boxes asking for name: first, middle (optional), last, and last name in high school (or maiden name)
5. Choose your class year
6. Input spouse’s name (optional)
7. Input address: street, city, state, and zip code. There is an option to input an address that is outside the USA
8. Input phone number (optional)
9. Input email address and input again to verify
10. Hit Continue
11. Enter a message to be displayed on the Classmates page (optional)
12. Enter your Bio. This will not appear on the website but may appear in reunion publications (optional)
13. Under Privacy you can choose whether you want classmates to be able to contact you or not (uncheck the box if you do not want them to be able to contact you) AND choose whether you allow the information you provide to be published in a memory book or not
14. You will be given options to upload THEN and NOW pictures (optional)
15. You will be asked to choose 1 of 3 options regarding attending: you plan to attend, you do NOT plan to attend, or you are undecided
16. If you have pages on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn you will have the option to include them to invite classmates to visit your networking pages (optional)
17. Hit Continue
18. On this page you can place your order for a ticket or tickets to the cocktail party on October 8th or you can hit Continue and your profile will be complete. You can purchase anytime.
19. If you DO plan to purchase a ticket or tickets at this time, go back and make sure you checked off that you ‘plan to attend’ or else it will not let purchase.
20. Input the number of tickets you wish to purchase. Please note; if you and your spouse are both members of ‘70s classes you should create separate profiles and pay separately so that everyone can see both of your profiles and see that you are both attending individually.
21. Hit Continue
22. This will bring you to the Checkout page. You will have the option to pay by PayPal or choose to pay by check.
23. If you choose PayPal it will bring you to your PayPal account
24. If you choose pay by check you will need to hit Continue
25. The next page will show your total and give you the information for whom to make the check payable to and who to send it to and her address
26. You will then need to hit Confirm
27. This page will be your receipt. Please print a copy for your records. You will also receive an email confirmation.
28. When you are done, whether you purchased or not you will receive an email giving you your sign in information: website, user name, and a website generated password.
29. You can change your password by going back on the website and login in the upper right hand corner with the credentials given. Once logged in click on the blue ‘My Profile’ box in the upper right hand corner. Scroll down to the bottom of your profile and click on ‘Edit My Profile’. (Here you can also change other information.) Scroll down to the bottom and click on the blue ‘here’ to change your password.
30. If you would like to complete the Questionnaire, make sure you are logged in and click on the Questionnaire option on the left hand side. You will then have the option to answer the questions you choose to answer. Hit Submit when you are done.
31. You can go back in and change your information at any time.
32. If you forget your password click on ‘Forgot your login?’ In the upper right hand corner.  It will ask you to enter your email address and inform you that we will send you an email with your login information.  Please allow up to 24 hours for a response.
33. The option to purchase a ticket or tickets to the picnic on October 9th will be made available as a second Event sometime this summer.
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