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Thank you,
Your Reunion Committee
School Tour, Quilts of Valor Ceremony and Memory Tree Dedication
We have scheduled a school tour followed by the awarding of Quilts of Valor ceremony and Memory Tree dedication for Saturday morning, October 8th, beginning at 10:00am.
Please, join us to honor those who will be receiving Quilts of Valor , to see all the changes made to the school over the years and to honor all Dragons who have passed.
Our beloved Mr. & Mrs. Fiedler, will be joining us for our reunion to present Quilts of Valor.
Bonnie and Jim, are very involved with the national "Quilts of Valor Foundation"; which awards, handmade, "Quilts of Valor", to individuals who are serving or have served in the military, who have been touched by war.
Bonnie and Jim, have graciously offered, to award "Quilts of Valor", to our classmates, who have served in the military, during our reunion weekend.