Online registration has closed due to registration end date has passed. Please, contact us using the "Contact Us" page, we will do our best to get you registered.
Thank you,
Your Reunion Committee
Mental Health Monetary Donation
If you would like to make a monetary donation to the Mental Health program, please make the check payable to: "Dover UFSD" along with a letter of intent stating that the money is to go to the Mental Health program. Please view the sample letter below that you can copy and paste.
Please mail the check and letter to:
Sandi Miller Card
100 May Lane Ext
Lot 20
Dover Plains NY 12522
Thank you
Date: __________________
Dear Dr. Fine and Dover UFSD,
The classes of 1970-1979 will be having a reunion in the Fall of 2022.
The name of the event is “That ‘70s Reunion”.
They have decided to hold a fundraiser to benefit the current school community.
I/We ______________________________________________ have chosen to join them in this endeavor.
I/We would like to donate $_________________ to the Dover UFSD to be utilized to support its
work within the mental health programming. These finds can be used to support
the social, emotional, and learning opportunities for our current Dragons,
Printed name ________________________________________
Signature ___________________________________________